
Personalized, non-invasive neurostimulation device

Personalized, non-invasive neurostimulation device

Starting situation

Our customer, Basel-based startup Bottneuro, aimed to develop a non-invasive, cost-effective therapeutic solution for Alzheimer’s patients. For this approach, they required a device for transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), which is a neurostimulation technique that employs low electrical currents to modulate nerve cells in the brain, potentially alleviating symptoms of various conditions. This device should allow for personalized therapy plans and customized electrode positioning for precise tES targeting specific brain regions which are affected by the disease.

Project objectives

Bottneuro approached IMT Information Management Technology AG as a development partner for:

  • A compact non-invasive brain stimulator (neurostimulator) and EEG device to allow for precise and multifocal brain stimulation on up to 32 electrode channels.
  • A neckpiece as the main control unit of the neurostimulator.
  • An easy-to-use tablet app and user interface designed for therapy monitoring, power delivery and data transfer.
  • Accelerate time-to-market with efficient rapid prototyping and ensuring compliance with medical regulations through our regulatory affairs and quality management team.

Technical implementation

System Components

IMT developed the necessary electronics, embedded software, tablet-based user interface, PC application for therapy plan creation, cloud-based therapy compliance application, and technical documentation for medical device registration. The therapeutic device consists of a 3D-printed helmet with embedded electrodes, neck piece with the electronics and a tablet for easy operation and monitoring by healthcare professionals.

Software and Hardware Integration

Using MATLAB Simulink, IMT simulated the electrical currents delivered to patients, creating a model of the head and electronics. This allowed simultaneous development of hardware and stimulation software, ensuring quick and efficient implementation. A modular design approach enabled early identification and resolution of potential issues, reducing the number of iterations required during development.


The collaboration between Bottneuro and IMT led to the creation of a highly effective, personalized therapy device for Alzheimer's patients, with several key outcomes:

  • Non-invasive, at-home therapy that reduces the need for professional healthcare professionals.
  • Accelerated development and market readiness thanks to IMT's expertise and agile processes.
  • Registration with Swissmedic and MHRA and now ready to be used in patients
  • Fast redesign of the PCB after initial tests
  • Fabrication of small series with selected partners from IMT


For more information on how IMT can assist in the development of cutting-edge medical devices, feel free to contact us.

«IMT is a competent and agile partner for Bottneuro and provides the required know-how for us. They are innovative, reliable, and fast, so the time to market can be significantly accelerated compared to in-house development.»

Dr. Bekim Osmani, CEO and Co-Founder of Bottneuro


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