
Meet IMT at AARC 2024 in Florida

Exciting week ahead at AARC in Orlando, Florida, USA!

We are heading to the American Association of Respiratory Care (AARC) conference next week in Orlando, Nov 20-23!

IMT has a long history in ventilator development and calibration equipment, with 12 unique patient ventilator models under our belt for ICU, neonatology, homecare, and emergency transport. We've partnered with 9 main players OEMs - and that number keeps growing. Our expertise runs deep, and we’re proud to be a reliable, innovative partner in respiratory care product development.

Meet our Head of Business Development Dr. Maxim Mamin at booth 318 with our sister company IMT Analytics, where we’re also unveiling a new product that we believe will be a true game-changer for respiratory device development. Stay tuned for the announcement!

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