
IMT becomes Smartfeld Silver Business Partner

🚀 We are pleased to announce that we are a proud Silver Business Partner of Smartfeld!

Smartfeld prepares children and young people for the challenges of the digital age. Under the credo "Technology + Creativity", Smartfeld makes a contribution to the targeted promotion of MINT subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology) and also creates spectacular learning and experimentation spaces by integrating expertise from education, research and practice. This partnership marks an important milestone in our commitment to innovation and sustainable development. 🌱

Discover with us how Smartfeld supports companies, institutions and communities to realize their digital and sustainable ambitions. Learn more about their innovative concept and how it promotes creativity and future skills by preparing children and young people for the challenges of the digital age.

Together with Smartfeld, we are investing specifically in the skills of the future!

🔗 More information:

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