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Stefan Zoller, Electronic Engineer

Uninterrupted power supply in life-supporting medical devices

Insight in Brief

Power supply | For life-sustaining medical devices, it is essential that they can continue to work or at least inform medical staff in the event of an initial fault. If the external power supply fails, an internal energy storage device such as a rechargeable battery and intelligent power management are required.


The standards stipulate that a life-sustaining medical device can continue to emit an audible alarm in the event of an initial fault after the fault has occurred. For example, ISO 80601-2-84 for emergency ventilators requires at least 120 seconds. In addition to a redundant alarm system, this also requires a redundant power supply, usually in the form of a battery, rechargeable battery or supercapacitor (EDLC). The power supply requirement must be considered in the design from the outset to avoid expensive retrofitting. Uncertainties can already arise when defining the word redundancy. This is because if the device is specified for mobile use, unplugging the power supply is not a fault but a normal application. This means that two independent internal power sources are required. If a battery can also be replaced during operation, the risk assessment may even require three internal storage units.

Having several independent energy sources is a necessary but by no means sufficient condition for supplying the alarm system with power in the event of an initial fault. This is because backup systems in particular naturally use energy from any available source such as a power supply unit, battery or supercapacitor. If the sources are combined incorrectly, for example with simple diodes, a short circuit in the backup system can also short-circuit all sources. In this case, it is important to ensure that a separate current limiter is implemented on each path to disconnect the faulty part from the system and avoid a total blackout. In addition, the current limiter must react quickly enough before secondary systems such as the battery protection circuit intervene.

Fault in the power supply: The schematic diagram shows the fault propagation with and without overcurrent limitation
Fault in the power supply: The schematic diagram shows the fault propagation with and without overcurrent limitation

Consider switching between energy sources

Other stumbling blocks are functions that are not used in normal applications and are therefore often forgotten during error analysis. For example, the Power Manager should be able to switch off and restart the system if the software stops responding and the regular switch-off via the touchscreen no longer works. The trick of holding down the power button for 10 seconds, which is familiar and often used in consumer products, is practical and is already integrated in some power management ICs. In life-sustaining medical devices, however, this can be fatal. A defective button, buffer or IO pin is enough to reset the entire system - depending on the implementation, even without an alarm. Application errors must also be taken into account. If the device is pushed against a wall, the button can be pressed permanently without being noticed.

If an energy source fails unexpectedly, the power management system must switch over very quickly so that the system voltage does not drop too far. With suboptimal implementation, large capacitors are required to bridge the gap. However, capacitors in the millifarad range are not only expensive, but also require space that is often not planned for in the mechanical design. The reason for this is that the behavior can only be determined once the prototype is ready to run. By then, the mechanical design is usually well-advanced.

The capacitors also need to be recharged. If this happens too quickly, more energy is briefly consumed than in normal operation. This must also be taken into account so as not to trigger an overcurrent limitation. A hot swap of batteries, i.e. a battery exchange during operation, generates large current peaks, which in turn generate large voltage peaks due to long cables or filter inductances. Without a varistor or equivalent protective elements, the maximum permissible supply voltage can be exceeded - with catastrophic consequences.

Reliability and resilience - well thought-out design helps

But even the ideal design on paper is useless in everyday use if the circuit fails after just a few years. Components such as rechargeable batteries, super electrolytic capacitors have a limited service life that is strongly influenced by temperature. For example, the service life of a supercapacitor is halved for every 10 °C increase in temperature. This is where a well thought-out thermal design helps to ensure that the cool ambient air flows directly around the critical components instead of using the warm exhaust air from a processor or other power components.

For electrolytic capacitors in particular, they should be placed as close as possible to a load such as a DC/DC converter for best efficiency. If the DC/DC converter heats up during operation, it is thermally connected to the capacitor via the PCB, which can cause the operating temperature of the capacitor to rise far above the ambient temperature.

The design should also be as resilient as possible to user errors. For example, it can happen that dirty filter mats are not cleaned or are simply removed. This can cause dust and dirt to accumulate on the PCB, which, depending on the environment, may contain conductive particles or become conductive due to excessive humidity. Coating the critical areas with varnish can help here.

The principles outlined here are only a selective excerpt from the requirements of IEC 60601-1 and the product-specific standards. Depending on the device class and country, further requirements may be added or omitted. In any case, it is worth carrying out detailed research into the standards before drawing up the power management concept.

Further information

Do you have further questions about power supply or electronics development in medical devices? Contact our experts - we look forward to hearing from you.

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